*I am trialling a new approach for the next few weeks in that all reviews will appear on the blog rather than being separate under the Euro Crime website. I feel this will give the reviews more exposure and make them more findable in a search engine. The reviews will appear daily ie Monday to Friday, with roundups on Sundays. This week has been British authors, next week will be Translated authors, the week after that Scottish authors and the week after that, is again Translated authors.
I'd be interested in any comments about this new approach. I think I'm the only one that worries about the distinction between blog and website! The blog is free and I currently pay to have the website. As it stands, if Euro Crime were to cease then the website would disappear after a couple of years but the blog might remain indefinitely.
You can keep up to date with Euro Crime by following the blog and/or liking the Euro Crime Facebook page and follow on Twitter, @eurocrime.
New Reviews

Ewa Sherman reviews J S Law's debut Tenacity set in a submarine;

Susan White reviews Lamentation by C J Sansom;

and Michelle also reviews S J Watson's Second Life.
Forthcoming titles can be found by author or date or by category, along with releases by year.
1 comment:
This seems like a good idea to me. Like the idea of a structured geographical approach to the reviews.
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