I thought I'd illustrate the range of prices for the same ebook with Kate Atkinson's Started Early, Took My Dog which has just been published.

Epub RRP = £19.40
Amazon Print: £8.16
Amazon Kindle: 5.71
Bookdepository Print: £12.51
Bookdepository Epub; £14.55
Waterstones Print: £8.99
Waterstones Epub: £18.23
WH Smiths Print: £8.99
WH Smiths Epub: £9.70
The cheapest Epub version (of this title) I've found is at Kobo at £5.71 and they are currently offering £1 off all ebooks this weekend if you use the discount code smashing1.
How ridiculous that the RRP is higher for the e-version than the print version!
At Amazon over here across the pond, Amazon is charging US$16.40, eligible for free shipping with purchases of $25 or more.
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