The new Isabel Dalhousie from Alexander McCall Smith is out in September in the US as The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday and will appear in the UK in October as The Comfort of Saturdays:

The second in the Burren series from Cora Harrison was published in May in the UK as Michaelmas Tribute but will appear in the US in September as A Secret and Unlawful Killing (which seems a bizarre name to me when you think about it...)

Funny I should read this post today. Today I received my package of Scandinavian crime books from Amazon that I treated myself to and only now realise that Asa Larsson's The Sun Storm (which is in the package) is the same book as The Savage Altar (which I own and read a couple of months ago and is in fact the book that got me started on the Scandinavian rime fiction trail). I know I should have paid more attention when ordering but was so thrilled to see another title by the author who got me interested in the genre that I didn't even bother to check the blurb. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I think that my book, Michaelmas Tribute, had its name changed because the American publisher felt that 'Michaelmas' would be an unfamiliar word to an American audience. I wonder whether that is true.
Re 'A Secret and Unlawful Killing' this is actually a phrase from the Brehon law or Early Irish law which was in operation in the west of Ireland at the time of Henry VIII. A secret killing attracted a double penalty or fine to a killing that was owned up to.
I know Bernadette it's so annoying. One that has fooled several people is Petros Markaris' The Late-night News (UK)- which is also known as Deadline in Athens (US) and of course Indridason's Jar City became Tainted Blood in paperback in the same country!
Many thanks Cora for commenting and explaining the background to the new title.
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