I had rather a lengthy journey back from CrimeFest at Bristol today (compared to the number of miles I had to go) due to Sunday engineering works and broken down trains, and I haven't unpacked everything yet and I certainly haven't touched my packets. Apparently 12 came in one day - this is rather unusual, possibly even a personal record!

Mark it in your diary - next year's CrimeFest is 19-22 May 2011.
Oh dear, I think one of those is from me ;-) I have been receiving a steady trickle while you were in Bristol but nothing like that lot! I am so glad you had a good time, but I think you need to have a word with the train drivers - some lines are clearly better than others. Looking forward to reading more posts about Crime Fest and what is in those parcels!
Woah! All that looks amazing!! :)
Karen, it looks as if you will be opening your own library!
Did you have the terribly amusing* platform indecision caper at Bristol Meads? Couple of minutes before the 17:00 to Piccadilly arrived they announced a platform change. When everyone had gone downstairs, through the tunnel, up the stairs and got their breath back, the Fat Controller (or whoever was in charge) noticed that he hadn't actually changed the points so we should all go back to the original platform, now fully equipped with a train which already had too many people. I may have been just a little terse when I found a youth occupying both my seat and Carols...
* this is your actual sarcasm.
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