Reviews are coming soon(ish) today. I'm running a bit late as we had a scenic ride to
Redwings at Oxhill today. Whereas
last time it was an 80km ride, today it was 90km (56 miles). Redwings is at location 3 on the map below. The ride went in a clockwise direction through Warwickshire's pretty scenery:

It was my fourth longest ride ever and as my mum might say "I'm nick nacky nooed".
Wow, I'm impressed. How many hills in that lot?
Good timing also, as a cold front has set in again today, after that nice little burst of mildness.
Not too many hills thankfully and mostly off the main road. I'm suffering today though and woke up parched and ravenous (one of these is unusual :-))...
If the weather's ok next Sunday, we may do something similar. However snow seems to be forecast for Friday!
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