
Sunday, January 06, 2013

Win: the Nikki Heat novels by Richard Castle (UK only)

The tv series Castle is one of my guilty pleasures so I was very pleased to be offered the opportunity to host a competition this month.

So, thanks to Titan Books, Euro Crime has one set of the Nikki Heat novels to giveaway.

To enter the draw, just answer the question and include your details in the form below.

This competition is open to UK residents only and will close on 31 January 2013.
Only 1 entry per person/per household please.
(All entries will be deleted once the winners have been notified.)

The explosive and exciting Nikki Heat novels are penned in the fictional world of Richard Castle, the successful crime novelist and investigator of the hugely successful TV show, Castle. Castle’s novels see Heat investigating terrifyingly mysterious cases in a whirlwind of secrets, celebrities, shamed politicians, mobsters, murdered real estate tycoons and vicious drug lords. Not entirely alone, Heat unravels her cases with the help of the handsome and unshakeable journalist, Jameson Rook. Whether on the back streets of Manhattan, or searching the murky waters of her own past, Nikki Heat brings crime and mystery to life.


  1. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Brilliant prize. Hope I win - but good luck to everyone that enters :) :D x

  2. Great prize - fingers crossed!
