
Monday, January 14, 2013

Favourite Euro Crime Reads of 2012 - Maxine

I wanted to include Maxine's favourite reads in the Euro Crime compilation of favourite reads of 2012. Fortunately, she filled in a star rating on her Goodreads account and on her blog. There is a slight difference between the two sources but I've gone with the GR rating. I accept between 5 and 10 books per reviewer as their top reads. These are only Euro Crime/translation related titles. Four of the seven are Scandinavian titles and six of the seven are in translation. Links are to her reviews on Euro Crime or Petrona.

Maxine's Favourite Reads of 2012 (Five Stars on Goodreads)


  1. Anonymous8:17 am

    Lovely tribute Karen, thanks for sharing.

  2. Karen, thanks for this reminder, if we needed one, that Maxine was a champion of good Scandinavian crime fiction.

  3. Anonymous2:00 pm

    Karen - Thank you for doing this. It is a wonderful way to remember Maxine.

  4. I hope to read more European crime novels this year and to take your advice very seriously !

  5. Anonymous1:27 am

    That's very kind of you to include Maxine's top Eurocrime reads.

    She raised the bar on crime fiction and justifiably expected quality writing.

    How many of us did she influence and point to better crime fiction?

    Count me among them.

  6. Very sweet of you to do that.

    Nikki F and Leif P is on my list for this year.
