
Friday, April 13, 2012

Sky Atlantic says Hello to Jason Isaacs's Awake

Great news this, after hearing all abut it on the BBC's flagship film programme, Wittertainment aka Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's Film Reviews, it's been announced that Jason Isaacs' Awake will air on Sky Atlantic this Spring.

Awake features Isaacs, who has appeared in films including Harry Potter and The Patriot, as a detective who survives a serious car accident only to then find he is living simultaneously in two parallel worlds.

In one world his wife dies and son lives, in the other it is his wife who lives and son who dies.



  1. Sounds right up my street :o) Shame we don't have Sky - I'll have to wait for the DVD boxset!

  2. I'll have to wait as I don't get Sky Atlantic, either. The plot sounds like Life on Mars, or that old film with Gwynneth Paltrow, Closing Doors - which told parallel stories depending on whether she walks in on her boyfriend being unfaithful or not.
