
Friday, January 06, 2012

Nimes RIP

Our eldest cat Nimes had to be put down today aged 20 1/2. He'd been deteriorating quickly so we took the sad decision to go to the vets. He was a quiet cat, nothing flashy about him but he was much loved by the humans and other cats in the household. We gave him a good life (and lots of chicken) and he has left us with some happy memories.


  1. Anonymous8:01 pm

    Oh, Karen, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Nimes was a member of your family, and a loss like that is always so painful. Thoughts and wishes going out to you...

  2. So sorry karen. I had my 18 1/2 year old cat put down last year. She had woven herself into the fabric of our lives so much that my husband (not particularly an animal lover) still talks about her. And she loved chicken too!

  3. Oh, so sad. I had to have my cat, named Mouse, put to sleep last July and it is still painful to think about. You post brought tears to my eyes. My thoughts are with you.

  4. Very, very sad Karen. Do concentrate on those wonderful memories and the fact Nimes had a loving and beautiful home with you.

  5. I too am very sorry for your loss, Karen. Nimes lived to such a good age and had been part of your family for so long. He surely enjoyed his life so much, not least being a star of this blog. My thoughts are with you.

  6. Anonymous1:03 am

    Hugs to you and your family, Karen. The death of a pet is so painful. I still miss my Clem. Take care.
    Amanda Gillies

  7. Anonymous1:09 am

    Sorry to read this. Our neighbour had, just before Christmas, to do the very same thing .

    His Tomcat was nice and curious, would go around your legs- but NOT tolerate being touched.
    Once you knew that, he was nice company.

    The Doc

  8. Sorry Karen - Making the decision is a very hard thing. I still think of our own tabby Tom, long gone but enshrined in my animation efforts. Best wishes.

  9. I add my RIP. Just before Christmas we had to euthanize our eighteen and one-half year old cat Rascal. I still miss him. Aren't cats (and other loving pets) a wonderful blessing?

  10. So sorry to hear about Nimes, though it sounds like he had a good and long life. It's like losing a family member. Take care.

  11. Sorry to read this, Karen. Take care, and I very much hope 2012 soon takes a real turn for the better for you.

  12. I am so sorry to hea about Nimes. I know how you feel.

  13. I'm sorry to hear about Nimes. I lost my 16 year old Abby last year & it's not an easy decision to make even when we know it's the right one for them. I'm sure your other cats & family are a comfort at such a sad time.

  14. kathy d.12:52 pm

    Very sorry about Nimes. It's always hard to lose a pet, especially when it's like a family member.

    He lived a long, good life with a loving family. That's the most important thing. It's still very sad though.

    I still miss my cats from long ago.
