
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow Joke

When I left for work we'd has less than 1cm. When I got back 6.5 hours later we'd had 25cm. You can see the piles on top of the feeders. I managed to give the birds some food before it got dark but it was still snowing. All libraries in Birmingham closed at 12 today because of the difficulty for staff to get home and the gesture was much appreciated.


  1. Much less in Norfolk....but beginning to fall again...!

  2. Anonymous5:55 pm

    Glad you got home OK Karen. J's ice skating lesson was cancelled (!) because of the snow. Malcolm was going to drive on from the lesson (Guilford) down to Southampton to pick up C (end of univ term) but because of the weather she came up on the train instead -- which was working! Good old trains.

  3. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Karen - Oh, that is so beautiful. I really do miss snow and real weather.

  4. The libraries in Surrey closed early as well.
    They probably did not even open in Devon as the snow is virtually untouched in the road outside. I am not allowed out of the house with my bionic knee.
    I hope it clears some time next week so that our children can get here.
