
Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Reviews: Cotterill and Marklund

One competition for October and it is open internationally closes 31st:
Win one of five copies of Someone Else's Son by Sam Hayes

Here are this week's reviews. [Sorry for there only being two. I've had a cold/migraine induced sickness which meant the time I had allocated to do the reviews was spent in bed! I did want to get Maxine's review of Red Wolf up as a) it's great and b) the book came out just a couple of days ago]:
The latest (and is it the last?) in the Dr Siri series by Colin Cotterill has just come out in paperback - Love Songs from a Shallow Grave, reviewed by Michelle Peckham and

Maxine Clarke reviews the long awaited Red Wolf by Liza Marklund, tr. Neil Smith.
Previous reviews can be found in the review archive and forthcoming titles can be found by author or date, here.


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. So sorry you are not well, Karen, get well soon. And thanks so much for posting my review, and the kind words. I really enjoyed this novel and highly recommend it to anyone - seems to me it works very well as "a novel" not just "a crime novel".

    Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this.

  3. Karen, I followed you over from Dorothy L and am now following your blog. What a great find! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Thanks guys. I am more or less back to my usual self though sounding a bit husky to my own ears!

    Welcome KK. Many thanks for following. You might also want to keep an eye on the Crime Friend Feed room that Maxine set up at:

  5. kathy d.8:41 am

    Glad you are feeling better. Those migraines can be killers.

    Good seeing Maxine's review of "Red Wolf," Liza Marklund's latest book.

    I do want to read this as well as her earlier books, but my library doesn't stock her titles, so I'll put this on a to be ordered list.
