
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Publishing Deal - Ake Edwardson

A publishing deal for Ake Edwardson was announced recently on Publishers Lunch:
Ake Edwardson's SAIL OF STONE and ROOM NO. 10, originally published by Norstedts and selling over 5 million copies worldwide in 21 countries, to Bob Bender at Simon & Schuster, in a very nice deal, for publication in 2011 and beyond, by Peter Riva at International Transactions (world English).
Penguin US have recently published the first in the DCI Erik Winter series, Death Angels and will publish The Shadow Woman in September, which I believe is book two in the series. Cover and blurb aren't available at the moment.

Both titles: Sail of Stone and Room No. 10 are Erik Winter books. Looking at Ake Edwardson's website (in Swedish) Sail of Stone is the sixth in the series and possibly Room No. 10 is the seventh.


  1. Well about time too. I think it is a great pity that these Swedish authors don't get translated deals quicker (Kjell Ericksson still not published over here).

    Edwardson and Ericksson easily outclass a lot of the domestic material published in the UK and US.....that's for sure. Thanks for this news, Karen.

  2. I'm not sure if it's just S & S US or all S & S outfits? Time will tell...

  3. kathy d.7:29 am

    Loved "The Princess of Burundi," and "The Demon of Dakar," by Eriksson, which were better than much U.S. crime fiction, had more levels of thinking and social analysis.

    Haven't tried Edwardson yet, am still working on starting on Nesbo's series.
