
Monday, January 11, 2010

Stats and The Red Dahlia

The stats package that comes with my website hosting has changed recently and I finally got round to looking at what it now provides and very excitingly I can have a weekly and a daily email showing me which pages have been viewed and how many times etc. Yesterday I did a screen grab of the pages visited the most between 3rd and 10th January and due to the popularity of ITV's The Red Dahlia, the most popular review for that time-period (and possibly ever), on the website is Lynda La Plante's The Red Dahlia which has ten times as many visits as any other review:

3-10 January 2010

Of the reviews posted yesterday - in the stats for Sunday, The Lost Sister nudges out The Red Dahlia, just. (The tv fuelled enthusiasm for The Red Dahlia having now died down.)

The Red Dahlia can be watched on the official ITV programme website.

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