
Monday, August 31, 2009

My Life According to Books I've Read This Year

A meme going the rounds at the moment. I've picked it up from Petrona:

Using only books you have read this year (2009), cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title.

I've used a mixture of teenage, SF and crime novels (and not all the answers are true!):

Describe Yourself: Airhead
How do you feel: Fish Out of Water
Describe where you currently live: Via delle Oche
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Borderlands
Your favourite form of transport: (The) Hitchhike(r's Guide to the Galaxy)
Your best friend is: Brewed, Crude and Tattooed
You and your friends are: Faceless Killers
What’s the weather like: Frozen Tracks
Favourite time of day: Twilight
If your life was a: (A) Very Persistent Illusion
What is life to you: Dead Men's Dust
Your fear: Betrayal
What is the best advice you have to give: Dalek I Loved You
Thought for the Day: Thirteen Reasons Why
How I would like to die: Sacrifice
My soul's present condition: (Star Trek Destiny:) Mere Mortals


  1. Very funny! I think your three genres of reading (teen, crime and SF) make for a more fun list than those who tend to stick only to crime (I think crime titles tend to be gloomy, on the whole).

  2. Gee I'll stay clear of you and your friends then :)

  3. Really fine ones. The only one that was difficult for me was that one about transport. How lucky for you you had read The Galaxy this year.

  4. Clever answers! Great fun! I had a heck of a time filling this meme out, but I managed to, finally. Your friends sound like good bodyguards.

  5. Great answers ! I didn't know there was a book called "Dalek I loved you", I'm gonna check it out ! Here is mine :
