
Thursday, May 21, 2009

The queue for Gone Tomorrow...

I noticed today that Lee Child's Gone Tomorrow has 185 reservations on it at Birmingham Library. They don't come much more popular than that. J K Rowling and Martina Cole being the only real contenders. James Patterson's 8th Confession which has been out slightly longer (I think) has 127.


  1. Anonymous9:53 pm

    Well in that case I am very honoured to have been given a review copy by a certain eminent website! Very deeply appreciated.

  2. My library has a queue of 41 of which I am number 8. This isn't too shabby in comparison with Birmingham considering the size of the populations served.

    I just looked at the designs for the Library of Birmingham (same Birmingham, right?). Wow! It makes me wish I was a younger librarian looking for a foreign assignment.

  3. Yes same Birmingham :). They like circley type things it seems. The Selfridges building is covered in discs:
