
Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Reviews: Alvtegen, Hollington, McMenamin, Waites

Two competitions are running in March. The prizes are Bleeding Heart Square by Andrew Taylor and The Herring Seller's Apprentice by L C Tyler.

The following reviews have been added to the review archive over on the main Euro Crime website:
New Reviews:

Maxine Clarke praises Shadow by Karin Alvtegen concluding with "I urge you to read it as soon as you can";

Amanda Brown makes one of Euro Crime's rare sorties into true-crime with Kris Hollington's How to Kill;

Paul Blackburn takes a look at The Same Cloth by Geraldine McMenamin

and Michelle Peckham reviews the fourth in Martyn Waites's Joe Donovan series: Speak No Evil
Previous reviews can be found in the review archive and forthcoming titles can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. The review of Altegen is Maxine at her finest. I mentioned elsewhere recently that it is an unfortunate thing that overwhelming, and sometimes undue, attention drawn to certain authors and works by publicity machinery, direct and indirect, can result in very fine authors being left on the shelf -- what I think movie people refer to as 'sleepers'. This was on my mind just recently as I read for the first time a novel by Phil Rickman. Wonderful stuff, and I rather wanted to squeeze someone or other warmly by the throat and enquire why I had never before even heard of him. That happens quite often, actually. Anyway, Alvtegen is undoubtedly one of the finest crime novelists now writing, I do think, and I'm heartened by this flurry of attention in recent posts here and elsewhere. Homing in on the 'sleepers' must be a good thing in general, very therapeutic for the genre.
