
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Euro Crime Favourites of 2008 (part 2)

A couple of weeks ago I listed the Euro Crime reviewers' favourite reads of 2008 by title and by author. The winner of the "favourite title" was:
4 votes:
Stieg Larsson - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I've now put together the full details of which titles each of the fifteen contributors chose as their five favourite euro crime reads of 2008. I've also included any additional comments the reviewers' made about their choices and their runners-up.

The information can be found via the reviews page (which also has links to 2005, 2006 and 2007 choices) or click directly here.

My favourite audio books of 2008, can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Great collection, well done to you, Karen. Thank you for putting all these together. I see you have What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn on your list. I would definitely have included this had I thought of it - I did not review it, though I did read it, in 2008. (I read it with a ton of other books on a 2-week holiday with no access to a computer, and upon my return did not have time to review all the books I read while away - or the memory of them all, probably). What Was Lost must be "the" book of 2008, for me. Not for the crime aspects, which were not particularly strong (or, really, relevant) but for the wonderful idiosyncratic main character and the incredible sadness of it all, along with it being a biting satire, etc.
