
Thursday, July 10, 2008

CWA Dagger Winners

And the winners are:
Duncan Lawrie Dagger: Frances Fyfield for Blood From Stone

The International Duncan Lawrie Dagger: Dominique Manotti for Lorraine Connection, (translated from the French by Amanda Hopkinson and Ros Schwartz)

Ian Fleming Steel Dagger: Tom Rob Smith for Child 44

Non-Fiction Dagger: Kester Aspden for Nationality: Wog - The Hounding of David Oluwale

John Creasey (New Blood) Dagger: Matt Rees for The Bethlehem Murders

Dagger in the Library: Craig Russell

Short Story Award: Martin Edwards for The Bookbinder's Apprentice

Debut Dagger: Amer Anwar for Western Fringes


  1. I am reading Lorraine Connection at the moment and it is very very good but I did not think it would beat out the Larsson [which I have not read] because of the hype.
    The International dagger judges do love their French crime fiction.

  2. Anonymous8:34 am

    I haven't read a single one of these!
    I read Manotti's first book which I liked, but it is highly stylised. I prefer a more narrative arc, eg as in the Larsson, but have not read Lorraine Connection, can't offer an informed comment on it.

  3. Uriah--Ignore the hype-Read
    Larsson--I defy you not to enjoy

  4. Simon, the Larsson sits on my TBR file and I will read it soon.
    Maxine, Lorraine Connection is slightly different in its style but I found that refreshing if a bit disconcerting at the beginning.

  5. Anonymous12:49 pm

    For the benefit of those of us new to the apparent world of Dagger Awards, do you think you could elaborate/ or at least exemplify/ what these awards are for? Yes, I realize, "best writing," and the "Short story" and "Debut Daggers" labels are self-explanatory, but what do most of the others stand for, what (verbose purpose) were they once established to promote, I wonder? (ie. is "Dagger in the Library" awarded only to crime fiction set in bookish settings?)

  6. Anonymous12:57 pm

    ADMINISTRIVIA: while posting previous comment my (inexplicably picky in that respect, unfortunately, built-in mobile) browser warned me countless times, more than 15?, that I am trying to access some resourcs with invalid security certificates.... this usually means the icons embedded in the page are house on another Blogger site that, unbeknownst to itself, has allowed their security certs to lapse. I have notified Blogger adms of it several times - nothing happens. Maybe you, as blog owner, will have better luck...

  7. According to the CWA website: The Dagger in the Library is an annual award, given to "the author of crime fiction whose work is currently giving the greatest enjoyment to library users".

    The CWA website has more on each Dagger but roughly speaking there's the Dagger for anything written originally in English. The International Dagger for anything translated into English. The Ian Fleming Dagger is for best adventure/thriller novel in the vein of James Bond and the debut Dagger is for unpublished work by unpublished authors. The books had to be published in the UK between June 2007 and May 2008 to be eligible. There was some controversy a few years ago when the translated crime novels were taken out of the main award and put in a new International award category (this was after a succession of wins by translated crime novels.)

    The Daggers are the main crime fiction awards in the UK.

  8. Craig Russell is that one who publishes simultaneously in English and German isn't he?
    I've read BROTHER GRIMM but nothing else

    The rest just show you how wrong we can be

  9. Kerrie - yes that's him. Haven't read him (yet).

    And yes only 1 person out of 17 in the poll I put up got it correct in choosing Lorraine Connection. I haven't read it (yet, either) :-).
