
Friday, May 16, 2008

The Crystal Skull by Manda Scott - now out in paperback

While the days whittle down until the new Indiana Jones film (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) is out, there's still time to read beforehand, Manda Scott's The Crystal Skull which is now out in paperback. Euro Crime reviewer Pat Austin called it "a seriously good thriller by a top class writer". Read her full review here.

There's a separate website for The Crystal Skull, where the offerings include an extract and interview, iPod competition and a game.


  1. You have a very neat blog here ! I thought at first glance this was something to do with the new Indiana Jones movie !

  2. Thanks Andrew! Normally the blog's about crime fiction but this week I've indulged my SF interest :-).

  3. Anonymous10:19 pm

    I am really Glad i found this website.Added to my bookmark!
