
Saturday, April 12, 2008

March's Competition Winners

Here are the winners of March's Euro Crime competition (and the correct answer):

Prize=A copy of A Carrion Death by Michael Stanley

Which one of the following authors also writes a series set in Botswana?

b) Alexander McCall Smith


Adrian Bold
Bob Clark
Susan Hall
Sharon Lake
Debra Phillipson
Alison Serdet
Susannah Southurst
Tracey Steadman
Anne Stephenson
Denise Twist

Enter this month's competitions here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 pm

    The winners are lucky-- it's a really exciting book and great fun to read. Well, that's what I thought when I read it last week, at any rate.
    Having read most (but not quite all) of the Ladies' Detective Agency books, it is fascinating to compare the two portrayals of Botswana. I smiled in A Carrion Death when a garage features in the plot: it's called "No. 1 Filling Station".
