
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

London Book Fair Haul

On Monday I went down to London for the Book Fair. I managed to acquire a few proofs but even more importantly for the bibliography section of the Euro Crime website, a number of catalogues listing new books for the latter part of the year. I'll be working my way through those over the next few days (weeks?) and the future releases pages will swell with all the new titles.

Just as importantly, I later met up with the ladies behind the excellent blogs: It's a Crime!, Petrona and Keeper of the Snails and had a nice meal (with cheesecake...).


  1. Anonymous9:42 pm

    And very nice it was to see you, too. Those books and catalogues look even more tempting than the cheescake, if that is possible!

  2. Anonymous5:42 pm

    Looks like quite a haul! Lovely to meet you, Karen. Happy reading.

  3. Anonymous10:00 pm

    Great to see you again Karen. Next stop Crimefest.
