
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Copycat Covers

Here's another one for The Rap Sheet's file of duplicate covers:

Canadian author, Maureen Jennings' Vices of My Blood came out in 2006 and Andrew Taylor's Bleeding Heart Square is due out in May.


  1. The Murdoch mysteries are now on UK Drama cable and satellite TV.
    I have not read the books but suspect they are better than the TV series which like much of TV is over produced.
    For instance they show the front of the Toronto Police Building with the date 1889 every few minutes.
    They obviously don't expect a TV audience to be able to remember it is set in the 1890s and that it is in Toronto unless they are reminded frequently.

  2. The first series of Murdoch Mysteries was quite good I thought and these seemed to be based on the books and were 2 hrs long. But we watched the first episode of the second series last night which has different actors and is only 1 hr long (and started off with dog jep!) and were very disappointed. So I've deleted the rest of the episodes off the recorder. I spotted the familiar cover when I was looking up info on this second series :-).

  3. Anonymous10:25 am

    Those covers are incredible!
    Bit of a non-sequitur, but as you are chatting about TV, I am going to try to watch the Ladies Detective Agency tonight - some mixed views about the books in our house but I think everyone will enjoy it if they can only all sit down to start it...

  4. And both are decidedly reminiscent of the cover of Jed Rubenfeld's The Interpretation of Murder, are they not?

  5. The chap looks very similar! (on the The Interpretation of Murder cover)
