
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Euro Crime web page updates

I'd like to publicly thank Euro Crime fan Alison of Liverpool who very kindly checked the website links on the authors page of the website. She found a number of broken links which I've now deleted or replaced with a different link. There are now 610 authors listed with links to either their homepage, a fan page, a newspaper article or anything I've found which has the best information about them. Have a peruse here.

I've also updated the future releases pages - by month and by author.

I hope to get the news page up to date and update the bibliographies by the next review upload on Sunday.


  1. Anonymous11:03 am

    Nice to hear of another Liverpool eurocrime fan :)

  2. Thanks for those links to upcoming releases!

  3. Wow, some resource! Good to have readers like Alison. Talking of broken links, in my review of Scent of the Night (last Sunday), the link at the foot of the review to the previous Euro Crime review is broken.
    That's my bit of helpfulness for the day ;-)

  4. Your site is very impressive, and these updates make it even more helpful. Thanks for all the hard work, and to Alison for her contributions, Jim
