Mistress of the Art of Death, by Ariana Franklin, has won this year’s CWA Ellis Peters Historical Crime Award - the prestigious prize for the best historical crime novel of 2007. The winner was announced by the Chair of judges, Janet Laurence, at a party held in London on the evening of Wednesday, November 7th. More information shortly ...
Judges’ comments:
‘Ariana Franklin has found a unique female protagonist, an Italian doctor trained in the study of death and brought to England as assistant to a renowned investigator charged by Henry II with the solving of murder. In this seductive book, characters leap into life, scenes form a closely woven and colourful tapestry, the central figure of Adelia, the mistress of the art of death, has an unusual charm, and the plot darkens as the story progresses.’
Friday, November 09, 2007
More on the Ellis Peters Award
It took a bit longer than I thought but the CWA website has now been updated to state that Ariana Franklin won the CWA Ellis Peters Historical Crime Award:
I finally took the plunge and joined a real reading group, with real, live people as members. I'll attend my first meeting next week, and the first book we'll discuss is Mistress of the Art of Death. I have some interest in that period in history, and I am always up for having my hesitations about historical crime fiction challenged, so we'll see what happens.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"