
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

CrimeFest 2008

The producers of LCC2006 proudly bring you CrimeFest 2008... Next year is a bumper year for Crime Conventions in the UK with Harrogate being accompanied by CrimeFest in Bristol, 5 to 8 June. Lee Child, Karin Fossum and Ian Rankin are the guest authors with Natasha Cooper as the toastrix.

There's quite a bit of information on the website already, but here's a summary from the homepage:

The CrimeFest registration fee is £125.
(For currency conversion, please visit

Registration includes attendance to all panels, a book bag, programme, and a light breakfast on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tickets to the Saturday Gala or Sunday Buffet Dinners need to be purchased separately.

Highlights will include:
-A Gala Dinner on Saturday, the 7th of June
-Interviews with the featured Guest Authors and Toastrix
-The Last Laugh Award presentation
-In addition, there will be author panels and writers' workshops.


  1. It would be very pleasant to spend a few days in Bristol at a crime convention after all I did spend much of 1964 in that city cutting up a partially dismembered body.

  2. Anonymous8:33 pm

    So are you going to Crimefest, Karen or Uriah? Sounds good, and unlike Harrogate is not in school hols. However, 125 quid -- bit excessive. Do they do discounts for websites and reviewers? ;-)

  3. I am seriously tempted perhaps we should try for a group discount?
