
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Radio 4 Saturday Play - The Tinner's Corpse

Today's 'Saturday Play' was 'The Tinner's Corpse' by Bernard Knight. This is the fifth novel in his 12th Century Crowner John series. (A review of the tenth, 'Elixir of Death', will be going up on Euro Crime in the next couple of weeks.)

'The Tinner's Corpse' has been condensed to an hour and you can listen to it via the Radio 4 website for the next seven days.

It seems that Bernard Knight's homepage has disappeared but Wikipedia (as ever) can help. Knight is also one of The Medieval Murderers - which comprises Mike Jecks, Susanna Gregory, Bernard Knight, Ian Morson, Philip Gooden, and Chris Sansom - whose third collaboration will be published in April.

Addendum: Here's Bernard Knight's new homepage. (With thanks to It's a Crime!)


  1. Anonymous9:29 pm

    BK has moved his site and it's now here:
    Apparently it was due to one of those administrative things that happen when companies are taken over...

  2. Many thanks crimefic, I've updated the post and my database. It'll appear on the 'authors' page of the website after the next upload.
