
Thursday, September 28, 2006

More on the sequel to Chocolat

From the Independent:
Vianne, played in the film adaptation by Juliette Binoche, and her daughter Anuok, a character based on Harris's daughter Anouchka, materialise in the Montmartre district of Paris for the author's sequel, The Lollipop Shoes, which the Barnsley writer promises will be a darker novel than the first and is set four years after the conclusion of Chocolat.

The new novel reveals what became evident as the first novel wore on: that Vianne would never be able to settle in the village of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, in Gascony, where she arrived with six-year-old Anuok to set up her chocolaterie, La CĂ©leste Praline.

"This time they have settled in Paris instead," Harris said. "Mother and daughter have changed but not always in the best ways."
Full article here.

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