Vianne, played in the film adaptation by Juliette Binoche, and her daughter Anuok, a character based on Harris's daughter Anouchka, materialise in the Montmartre district of Paris for the author's sequel, The Lollipop Shoes, which the Barnsley writer promises will be a darker novel than the first and is set four years after the conclusion of Chocolat.Full article here.
The new novel reveals what became evident as the first novel wore on: that Vianne would never be able to settle in the village of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, in Gascony, where she arrived with six-year-old Anuok to set up her chocolaterie, La CĂ©leste Praline.
"This time they have settled in Paris instead," Harris said. "Mother and daughter have changed but not always in the best ways."
Thursday, September 28, 2006
More on the sequel to Chocolat
From the Independent:
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